Some time around 2016 I started following a photographer by the name of Meg Bitton. I had no idea how to use Photoshop and spent countless hours on the computer watching and taking notes on weekly live webinars while she edited in real time. In addition, I had the opportunity to attend some in person workshops and filming of productions where I got to see the magic happen right in front of me. I have been working with Meg pretty much since then and without her guidance and friendship, I would not be the photographer I am today. Whether you are a beginner photographer or a seasoned pro, there is always something new to learn and it’s important to invest in your education. It is a privilege to be able to have my editing tutorials showcased on her site and to be a part of the amazing Meg Bitton Productions team. Please check out my Photoshop editing tutorials that are available for purchase on her site by clicking the images below or by visiting my page here!